Want to transform your life?
I am about to head into week 3 of my health reset. So far I have made incremental changes and things are going well. I already feel a difference in my energy levels and can feel my body starting to release the inflammation and tension it has carried for years.
When I have previously tried health challenges, I’ve given up pretty quickly because it’s been all too hard. So then I put myself in the “I am a failure” category, the self-criticism starts and I look at my body with negativity, not for the gift it is.
A year ago, I started working on learning to love my body and recognising how strong and resilient it is. It has kept me safe while I’ve chased my dreams, danced like no one is watching and travelled the world. Given I hadn’t always been kind to it, making peace with it was so powerful to do.
It hasn’t been easy. There has been laughter and tears. It takes time and effort. I now believe I am worth that time and effort.
This time round, I’m approaching things differently. I’m stepping outside my comfort zone, saying yes to things I used to say no to and vice versa.
I have done lots of mindset work and will continue with this. I’m not aiming for perfection or a quick fix. I’m taking it one step at a time, one day at a time. I’m being kind to myself if I make a mistake.
I’ve learnt how important it is to have your tribe around you. I have some incredible people in my life who are generously sharing their knowledge and instilling confidence in me, to help me achieve my goals.
I’m not a health professional.
I’m a person sharing my journey to improve my lifestyle so I can keep chasing my dreams.
I’m also a qualified coach who is passionate about inspiring and empowering others to create a life where they are thriving rather than just surviving.
My three top tips for starting a transformation journey are:
Know and live by your purpose and personal values – By being aligned with my vision in life and my values of authenticity, balance and collaboration mean that I can make good decisions every day that takes me one step closer to reaching my goals and having the best life I can imagine.
Believe in yourself – There is so much magic inside of you to help you achieve what you want to achieve in life. We can get caught up in the grind of day-to-day life and forget that we are our own superpower!
Surround yourself with supportive people and don’t be afraid to ask for help – Your tribe and who you hang out with are an important part of your success. They will be your champion, cheerleader and support who will keep you motivated and grounded through the good times and the challenging ones. They are there for you. They want you to succeed. Ask them for help along the way.
Thank you for listening to my story. I hope it inspires you to take the leap into exploring what is possible for you and your future.