Kylie’s Story - Part 1
2021 was a year of reinvention and rediscovery to find my true passion. It was the year I took a powerful step to work out what was next for me in my career and life.
I have had a successful and fulfilling 20-year career in the public service; however, I was feeling burnt out and exhausted because I wasn’t living in alignment with my personal values. I had a strong desire to follow my dream of opening my own coaching business. So with the support of my own coach and mentors, that is exactly the journey I started on!
It has taken focus, determination, resilience, patience and compromise to turn my idea into a reality. Kylie James Coaching was officially founded in January 2021.
As much as I wanted it to be, it wasn’t a direct road to get the business up and running. There were twists and turns and feelings of excitement and not knowing what I was doing. My education and work experience had taught me so much however, stepping into a new role of being a business owner was foreign.
They say that you become like the five people you spend the most time with, so I took that advice and sought out a fantastic tribe who could support me on this new lifestyle journey.
Establishing Kylie James Coaching led me to rediscover who I am, my core values, why I do what I do each day, and who I want to work with. Imposter syndrome, feelings of not being good enough, the fear of failure, the fear of success and becoming comfortable with being visible were all hurdles I have had to jump over. Coincidently, these are similar elements that come up in coaching sessions with my clients. Luckily, I have hands-on experience and a suite of tools to share.
Today my goal is to empower and inspire people to become visible in their world, believe in themselves and create a life they are proud of and have always dreamed about.
I combine my coaching and HR expertise to encourage teams and individuals to step out of their comfort zone, challenge themselves and chase their dreams while managing the overwhelm, stress and expectations that can come with our current lifestyles.